If you or someone you care about is having a tough time through this pandemic (and we have all gone through waves of highs and lows), this episode is sure to bring comfort. This is a conversation with Renee McGregor (@r_mcgregor) about how food continues to be a coping mechanism for many people as a way to get us through tough times. But most of all, she helps shed light on how we can develop healthier relationships with food. 
Renee is one of the leading Sports and Eating disorder specialist dietitians and has spent 20 years working in clinical and performance nutrition. While she’s a sports dietician, she focuses her work on eating disorders and helping people establish healthy relationships with food and training as well as mental health and female health. Renee has worked with sports teams in the 2012 London Olympics, 2016 Rio Paralympics, and Commonwealth (Queensland 2018). Renee is also an author and podcast co-host of Train Brave. 
“It’s important to tune into your emotions and work out that they are trying to tell you something.” —Renee McGregor

Listen to the Running for Real Podcast here:

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In this episode we cover…
  • How we have been using and abusing food to help us get through tough times, especially COVID. [0.11:00]
  • How we can change the way we talk to young adults, teenagers, and children when it comes to food to help them develop a healthy relationship to food. [25:50]
  • The anxiety and depression happening for many right now, and how to be there for someone you love going through that (while also recognizing that it can have a huge impact on our mental health). [46:00]
  • We talk about body image and perfectionism. [1:03:00]
And much more. There is a reason this is Renee’s third time back on the podcast. I appreciate her advice and wisdom, and hope listeners do too.


Thank you to my wonderful sponsors momentous, InsideTracker, Beam for sponsoring this episode of the Running for Real Podcast.



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A new product that I have been trying out is Beam. Where they try to help athletes with balance, performance, and recovery. Now I have tried performance and balance and the flavors were great and I felt the hydrating electrolyte energy powder formulated with beetroot, green coffee bean, and citrulline really helped me and I know they will help you too.



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Thank you to Renee, we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the show.

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    body image, depression, eating disorder, healthy eating, mental health

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