Being inspired by runners accomplishing seemingly impossible feats can be motivating, but that motivation can be fleeting. What can we actually learn from the experts, those out there doing the research, the studies, and reading into the science. How can we apply that to our own running to be faster, healthier, and stronger?

I love to bring on some of the best scientists and researchers the running world has to ask them for actionable advice and data for us to use in our own running.

If you love learning about the science, these Running For Real Podcast episodes are for you. Find the Running For Real Podcast on your favorite podcast player Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Stitcher, Castbox Overcast, Spotify, Google Play and iHeartRadio Anchor or click the links below to find the show notes page for the episode.

Dr Andrew Jones- 49

Runners love to find the recovery secrets that can help them run faster, today we have Dr. Beetroot, the physiologist who discovered the power of beets for runner, and is the reason many runners love them today. Dr Andrew Jones was also the lead Physiologist on the Breaking 2 marathon project, and worked with Paula Radcliffe during her peak running days. You will learn so much helpful running advice in this running podcast episode!

Alex Hutchinson- 54

Alex Hutchinson gets us back again to the mental side of running, but this time to the science behind training and racing rather than the psychological side. Discussing endurance, handling pain, how to learn from both good days and bad days and the power of smiling and positive attitudes.

Dr. Trent Stellingwerff- 57

This applied sport physiologist with a specialization in the area of performance nutrition has worked with some of the biggest running fuel brands out there. Working with Olympians and sharing his knowledge with us, learn how to find your best running, by fueling correctly.

Dr Rich Willy- 75

Dr. Rich Willy is an expert in Biomechanics, he is known as one of the best for a reason.  If you are interested in subjects such as the risk of injury, gait retraining (and can we even change gait longer term?), the helpfulness of wearables , strength training and the importance of recovery, this episode will be of special interest to you. 

Michael Joyner- 91

What a fantastic chat with one of the greatest minds in our sport. Michael Joyner has worked on the sub 2 hour marathon project, and has so much knowledge in all things running. This running podcast episode is focused on the 5k, and how it can help all of us (yes, even if you have a marathon in mind) run faster, at every distance. Step by step advice on how, tune in here.

Steve Magness- 98

Steve Magness, college coach, elite coach, and author already wears many hats and he doesn’t even want to stop there. I was very fortunate to even have this amazing interview with Steve, as I had just ran into him by chance at a conference. We discuss many things about running and how many people may rely on their watch TOO much while running. This can’t be the case to improve your running times. Steve suggests we need to build our bodies to know how to run at a certain pace without relying on our watches. #Nowatchme

David Epstein-134

Has there been a time when you are watching a sport on TV and you just wonder HOW are they that good? Or wonder if they did a different sport would they be as good? David Epstein’s work has been seen in a WIDE variety of publications and that is one of the reasons why he is on the podcast. He speaks on how he LOVES getting his feet “dipped” into different things. He makes “you’re never too old to learn new tricks” really challenge you in a whole new way.


With rising pollution levels, droughts, and harsher climates, asthma and breathing problems are more common than ever, it can make running in the summer almost impossible. Dr John Dickinson, a respiratory physiologist is here to help those who do struggle to breathe when exercising.


Here is another great subject in the Beyond Running Series, speaking on Menopause. This is definitely a subject that doesn’t get talked about too often and I want to change this mindset. With Dr. Stacy Sims, we were able to have a great and open conversation about Menopause. In order to help loved ones or maybe yourself to ease your way in this stage of life.

Alex Hutchinson 173

The US trials are a few weeks away and a lot of the talk is about the effect of carbon fiber plates in shoes on the performance of the elite contenders. Who better to talk to about this than Alex Hutchinson? Alex has written numerous articles about the shoes for national publications, and he is able to look at the upcoming trials from a neutral perspective. We discuss the future of shoes and just how much it is affecting things now. I challenge Alex here, and this was a fascinating talk. What do you think?

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    how to run, science of running

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