Want to hear something incredible?  Nick Butter ran a whole marathon at the young age of 11 years old.  Yes, I would say that is incredible.

This interview is for those who love adventure, endurance running, and are passionate about life.

After running 318 marathons, Nick still labels himself as nobody special.  From all these experiences, he gives us advice and unique tricks on what to do when we are hurting during a race.

He believes everyone should make the effort to push or challenge themselves.   He says he likes to push the boundaries.  He sees training as not only for the body, but for the mind, as well.  He also believes anyone can run a marathon if they have the desire to do so.

We discuss a process of adding more time to your life so you can be more productive with the short amount of time we have on earth.  It’s called getting up an hour or so earlier daily.  I do this, and encourage you to try it to accomplish more in your life.

He gets real while sharing one of his running failures and what he learnt from it.  He also shares ideas on staying mentally strong while struggling.  He provides specific examples of how he used mental toughness to get over his failure.

As a charity fundraiser, he describes the environment and safety obstacles he will need to take into consideration for his Running the World 196 running challenge.  This is his attempt to set eight world records for running a marathon in every country starting in January, 2018 and to raise money for prostate cancer.

Today’s Guest

Nick Butter

Nick wears many hats.  He is an ultra runner, endurance athlete, adventurer, charity fundraiser and motivational speaker.  He has run 318 marathons and around 70 ultra races, so far.  In January 2018, he will be taking on the Running the World 196 challenge he created to raise funds for prostate cancer in the UK to support his friend, Kevin, who has prostate cancer.

What You Will Learn About

  • What Nick means by leaving a legacy and why it is important to him.
  • How you can get out of your comfort zone.
  • How to help others or yourself change their/your negative outlook on life.
  • How you can pick a challenge that your body can handle, but is still a stretch for you.
  • Why he started Running the World 196 and what it is about.
  • Why should humans push themselves?

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Nick’s #R4RPowerPose

Inspirational Quotes

The message is about living life with intent and purpose and really being aware of what you’re doing.

If you make that active decision to want to change A) You have to really want to do that yourself, B) Try and start saying “yes” to things.  The more you say yes, the more opportunities you are exposed to and the more positive your outlook on life, because you’ve done something you may never have done before.

We don’t fully value the time that we have on the planet.  We all assume that the next day exists.

I want the legacy to be DO NOT underestimate how valuable and how hugely privileged we are to have this amazing life that we have and this amazing world.

I go to bed every night and I say to myself, “have I lived today as happy as I should be?”

You give yourself an extra month of time by getting up two hours earlier every day.  Use those two extra hours in a day to do what you really want and that will probably start to change your outlook on life.

I fundamentally believe that most people on the planet that are able bodied can get out of bed and go and run a marathon.  Now, it’s going to be hard, it’s going to be painful, but running I believe, again it’s only an opinion, but I believe is mostly in your mind.  What training does for me, yes, it trains my body, but actually all that’s doing every day I go out and train is it’s giving me an extra building block in my mind saying, “actually I’ve done this, I can do this.”

If you believe in something, you can do it.

Things don’t work for a reason.  You need to identify why, work on it, and learn from it.

I kind of like the idea of failing. It sounds ridiculous, but I like the concept of doing stuff and not being able to do it and coming back again, because it means you truly pushed yourself.

Resources Mentioned

Last week’s interview with Emma Coburn

Nick’s website 

Nick on Twitter

Nick on Instagram

Enter the Bodyhealth Christmas Giveaway

Thank you to my new running buddy VI and favorite recovery product BodyHealth for sponsoring this episode of Running for Real.

VI is there to encourage you on tough days, congratulate you on the days you crush it, and remind you of your goals when you need it. You can enter to win your own VI by visiting GetVI.com/running4real

When I was running 90 miles a week as a pro, I would take 5-10 BodyHealth Perfect Amino tablets every day without fail. They helped me recover faster, and feel better. Now they have Perfect Amino XP, which makes it even easier. Get 10% off at Bodyhealth.com using coupon code TINA10

Click the banner for more information.

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Thank you to Nick.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the show.

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