Come meet members of the Running 4 Real Superstars Community! I let you tell me who you wanted to meet on the running podcast. In the first Superstars episode I was not sure how well it would be received but it turns out it was one of the most frequently downloaded episodes and many commented just how much they enjoyed “meeting” some of the people here in the community.

“Just everyday runners” is how they all describe themselves, but they all have such wonderful stories to tell about running and what it means to them. Pull up a chair or put on your running shoes and meet some more of our wonderful community.

Today’s Guests

The Running for Real Superstars Community

• Tawni Gomes
• Joe Dannaoui
• Allison McArthur
• Florian Kraemer
• Alfred Jongsma
• Julie Atkinson

What you will learn about:

  • Who Tawni Gomes revered in the 90’s and how she used that as inspiration to lose weight, become a message board leader for 100,000 members (after getting hit by a car walking) and write a book and appear on the cover of another.
  • What Joe Dannaoui wants us all to know about what is is like to struggle with depression and what you can do to help lift yourself out of the lows. How movement and community can be there for you when you most need them. Talk to someone. Move. Pick a challenge or a goal to motivate yourself.
  • How Allison McArthur had a running theme for her wedding because she loves running so much and what she gave her attendants as gifts. How she has evolved from hiding in solemn clothing while running to the Allison the running tights fashion plate Unicorn Legging Running tights wearer we all love.
  • How Florian Kraemer, who is a biochemist and self professed nerd, has tossed out the data when it comes to running and became a true advocate of running by listening to your body and the effort it is expending rather than being a slave to your watch. His most important message to us is the importance of volunteering at races and how much it will give to you as a runner.
  • How Alfred Jongsma has gotten his wife, daughter and son-in-law involved in running and the R4R Community. We also learn about Alfred’s battle with a rare blood disorder where his body creates too many red blood cells, which can result in heart attacks or stroke, and which also leads to excessive fatigue. Yes, he is our favorite Unicorn Runner.
  • How Julie Atkinson undertook a personal challenge in March 2016 of walking every day for a month when she got a new Fitbit. Her son talked her into doing a few runs during that time. So then beginning in April 2016, she started a new streak to run for a month and that hasn’t stopped. Julie has done it the smart way, learning from the community about how to prevent injury and keep going.

Listen to the Running for Real Podcast here:

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Last week’s episode with Jared Ward

Tina4Real Podcast 

Running for Real Superstars Community

Podcast episode with Parkrun founder, Paul Sinton Hewitt

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Thanks for Listening! I hope you enjoyed today’s episode.

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Thank you to Tawni, Joe, Allison, Florian, Alfred, and Julie, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the show.

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