Environmental Action Resources & Places We Donate To

Be a part of real change.

"The Earth is what we all have in common."
- Wendell Berry

You’re at the Starting Line

As runners, we know that taking on a challenge can be daunting, whether that’s participating in a race or trying to run farther than you have before.  It can help to have process goals, rather than focusing on the outcome.  Understanding what our actions can accomplish (easy runs = aerobic gains) can help keep us motivated.  And sometimes we recognize that certain things are too big for us to fix on our own, so we consult someone who’s in a better position to help.

Addressing environmental issues is remarkably similar.  If we decide that our goal is to save the planet, we’ll quickly become overwhelmed.  But if we break down what we can do to help the environment into realistic process goals and understand the benefits of our actions, we’re much more likely to keep going.  And when the issue is beyond our scope, we turn to organizations and our governing bodies and seek their assistance. 

Through the resources here we hope that we can make it easier for you to determine some goals to pursue, recognize the value of what you do, and get in touch with others who can help us on this journey.  Voting for candidates who prioritize the environment at local, state, and national levels is a great place to start, and you’ll find plenty of other ideas here.