Today is a very exciting day for me, after months of pushing my pregnant mind and body probably a liiiiittttlee too far, I can finally announce that the Running for Real Podcast Series are now live!

What are they?

Well, after I had some success with running podcasts, I realized that sometimes people skip episodes because they feel they are not applicable to them, and it got me to thinking…what if you could put episodes into categories, and then you could tune in to a particular category?

Rather than making 12 different podcasts to confuse everyone, I thought about how I could make these into series. This part was Steve’s idea, he thought we could do it with the regular podcast, but I wanted to take it one step further.

Coming back from injury

Thinking about injured runners, I remembered how as much as you wanted to be happy for others while you were injured, you could only manage so much, the jealousy would be too much. You didn’t want to show the sadness or even depression you felt while you were injured, when everyone else was showing how great their training was going.

What if I had an entire series specifically made FOR injured runners, to listen to in the gym while cross training or to tell them what to do to make sure this doesn’t happen again? What would people like Jay Dicharry or James Dunne say to them while they are in their most vulnerable, the point they are willing to make a change, to do whatever it takes to never feel this crappy again?

From there, I thought about what other series I could do.

First time runners came to mind.

Joining the running world for the first time can be TERRIFYING, and what about those runners who had tried to join in the past, but lost motivation or ended up with an injury and gave up again? They want so badly to join the club, but just don’t know how…especially with the mountains of information out there. How do you know who to trust? What if Hal Hidden and Jenny Hadfield could tell you their best secrets.

Marathon runners.

Well, this one is pretty obvious, marathons are HUGE right now, and participation numbers have risen sharply, but there is a heck of a lot that can go wrong in a marathon, and booooyyy does it hurt if you get it wrong. What if we learned from Coach Ben Rosario or Amby Burfoot on how to train smarter, race a negative split, and actually enjoy a marathon?

Mental training.

This is the big one. The one that almost every runner can benefit from, and the one I have a feeling will be the most popular. We could train as hard (and smart) as our bodies would allow, but if we give up and quit mentally in a race, there is no hope, nothing your body can do to overcome that. What if I could round up some of the best psychologists and motivational speakers to turn that around, make your mental side your strength, not weakness?

Running nutrition.

As with the first time runners, there is so much out there, that can be incredibly confusing, especially with so many different viewpoints. We know we have to find our own best diet, but how do you know where to start? What if I rounded up experts of each viewpoint, and gave listeners the opportunity to learn and create their own perfect diet?

Pregnancy and postpartum.

Maybe it is the fact that I have been pregnant the entire time of working on this, maybe it is the fact that I couldn’t find ANYTHING to listen to podcast wise to give me advice while I was couch ridden with morning sickness, but there are so many questions around pregnancy and postpartum as a runner, yet there is very little out there for us to find, especially from experts….as opposed to listening to mama124533 who said she gave birth to 12 babies in a forum. What if I went through every stage of the journey to becoming a mother with my listeners, to make sure they are doing the best they can for each stage?

So I set my mission, and began to scout out the smartest running experts I could find in each area…all while making sure I was keeping the Running for Real regular podcast interesting and enticing.

Two months and 38 interviews later (in addition to the 12 regular Running for Real podcast episodes from Jan-March) with some of the best experts in the running industry (and let me just say, it can be TOUGH to get them to lock down a time, best running experts = busy busy people!), I am complete, and honestly friends, I could not be more proud of how they have turned out.

As if I wasn’t enough of a pain in the butt with these guests for my persistence to set a time and date to talk, I asked bullied them into giving me around 500 words of their best advice for the listeners, for a guide I was creating to go alongside these series. That way if you are listening while you are running or driving or cross training, you can go back to the guide and find their best information along with resources they recommend.

I set three of the series out for pre-sale last week for my Running for Real Superstars community (yet another reason to join if you have not already) at a 25% discounted price.

Today the marathon, nutrition, and pregnancy/postpartum series have that same deal of $15 (instead of $19.99) until Wednesday morning 12am EST.

So what do you get with these series?

Well, you can either find out individually through the pages themselves (with a large percentage of the questions I asked the guests so you can see if you have any of them yourself), but here is the summary of what each series includes:

  • 6-7 podcast interviews with some of the best running experts out there for a total of 5-6 hours of listening
  • 16-20 page guide to go with the series, giving the best advice from the running experts
  • Special discounts and freebies from the guests
  • Contact information and recommended resources from the guests
  • An introductory message from me with my overall thoughts on the topic

Since I pre-launched the first three series, they have been selling very well, and I look forward to haring what you think.

Find out more about your most interesting topic:

You also save money if you purchase more than one at a time, so think ahead 🙂 Get the first five at a big discount with the Podcast Series Five pack.

I have more series planned, and one that unfortunately I had to put on hold that is half done (5k series), but sometimes we don’t get to finish everything we wanted to do.

I hope you enjoy them, and I am very excited to hear what you think!


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